Speech Acquisition Lab

Lab logo - two stylized heads; one talking to the other

Researchers in the Speech Acquisition Lab explore questions about how languages' sound systems are learned by adults, such as: How do adult learners' multiple languages influence each other? Why are some new sounds harder for adults to learn than others? What sources of information do adult language learners draw on when learning a new sound system?

Shannon Barrios

Lab Co-director
Associate Professor, Linguistics

Rachel Hayes-Harb 

Lab Co-director
Professor, Linguistics

Aniello De Santo

Assistant Professor, Linguistics

Yang Wang

Assistant Professor, Linguistics

Seung Kyung Kim

Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Linguistics

Caleb Belth

Assistant Professor, Linguistics

Canan Deveci

Post-doctoral Scholar

Chalee Yates
Graduate Student, Linguistics

Eunjin Lee

Graduate Student, Linguistics

Russell deJesus

Graduate Student, Communication Sciences & Disorders

Futong Li
Post-Bac Researcher

Ashley Townsend
Post-Bac Researcher

George Bee

Undergraduate Student, Linguistics

Joan Boulds

Undergraduate Student, Linguistics

Jarely Cruz
Undergraduate Student, Linguistics

Jihee Oh
Undergraduate Student, Psychology

Ryan Rich
Undergraduate Student, Linguistics

Roman Brock
Undergraduate Student, Linguistics

Joon Sang Ryu
Undergraduate Student, Psychology