Shannon L. Barrios
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Utah and co-director the Speech Acquisition Lab.
Prior to coming to the U, I was a graduate student in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Maryland where I worked with Bill Idsardi and Naomi Feldman. I participated in the University of Maryland's interdisciplinary graduate training program title "Biological and Computational Foundations of Language Diversity," which is supported by the National Science Foundation's Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program.
My research examines the role of existing phonological knowledge in the representation and processing of nonnative input. It combines insight from phonological theory, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics in order to better understand the nature and persistence of cross-language influence in speech perception, spoken word recognition, and the acquisition of an L2 sound system.
Joanne Moffatt (MA student)
Eunjin Lee (PhD student)
Cailey Lloyd (2020 BA Honors, UROP summer 2019)
Caiti Hunting (BA, UROP summer 2019)
Billy Finlay (BA, UROP spring 2019)
Taylor Anne Barriuso (PhD, 2018)
Joselyn Rodriguez (BA, UROP summer 2017)
Hayes-Harb, R., & Barrios, S. 2024. The interacting effects of talker, contrast, and listener variability in cross-language speech perception. JASA Express Letters, 4(8), 085201. Study materials, data & analysis code. Full text!
Hayes-Harb, R., Barrios, S., & Tripp, A. 2022. Whose input matters? The influence of socially-differentiated input sources in adult Lx phonetic learning. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 8, 3, 363-388. Preprint. Open stimuli, experiment code, data & analysis code. Full text!
Barrios, S., Rodriguez, J., & Barriuso, T.A. 2022. The acquisition of L2 allophonic variants: The role of phonological distribution and lexical cues. Second Language Research, 1-26. doi: 10.1177/02676583221099237. Materials, data, and analysis code @ OSF. Link to full text!
Barrios, S. & Hayes-Harb, R. 2021. L2 processing of words containing English /æ/-/ɛ/ and /l/-/ɹ/ contrasts, and the uses and limits of the auditory lexical decision task for understanding the locus of difficulty. Frontiers in Communication: Language Sciences, 6:689470. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.689470. Materials, data, and code @ OSF. Link to full text.
Hayes-Harb, R. & Barrios, S. 2021. Native English speakers and Hindi consonants: From cross-language perception patterns to pronunciation teaching. Foreign Language Annals, 1-23. Materials @ OSF + Iris; data @ OSF.
Hayes-Harb, R., & Barrios, S. 2021. The influence of orthography in second language phonological acquisition. Language Teaching 54(3), 297-326. doi:10.1017/S0261444820000658. Link to full text.
Barrios, S. & R. Hayes-Harb. 2020. L2 learning of phonological alternations with and without orthographic input: Evidence from the acquisition of a German-like voicing alternation. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41, 517-545. doi:10.1017/S0142716420000077. Link to full text. Materials available at OSF.
Hayes-Harb, R., & Barrios, S. 2019. Investigating the phonological content of learners’ “fuzzy” lexical representation for new L2 words. In J. Levis, C. Nagle, & E. Todey (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, ISSN 2380-9566, Iowa State University, September 2018 (pp. 55-69). Ames, IA: Iowa State University. Link to full text. Materials @ OSF.
Barrios, S. 2018. Interlanguage phonology. In M. A. Christison & C. Broady (Associate Eds.) The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching volume III: Teaching speaking and pronunciation (pp. 1695-1701) (Editor-in-Chief, John I. Liontas). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0230. Link to full text.
Barrios, S. 2017. Review of German Phonetics and Phonology: Theory & Practice, by Mary Grantham O’Brien and Sarah M.B. Fagan. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 3:2 (2017), 288–292. doi: 10.1075/jslp.3.2.06bar. Link to full text.
Barriuso, T.A. and S. Barrios. 2017. The role of phonological distributional information on the acquisition of L2 allophones. In M. O’Brien & J. Levis (Eds). Proceedings of the 8th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, ISSN 2380-9566, Calgary, AB, August 2016 (pp. 10-20). Ames, IA: Iowa State University. Link to full text.
Barrios, S., Namyst, A., Lau, E., Feldman, N., & Idsardi, W. 2016. Establishing new mappings between familiar phones: Neural and behavioral evidence for early automatic processing of nonnative contrasts. Frontiers in Psychology 7:995. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00995. Link to full text.
Barrios, S., Jiang, N., & Idsardi, W. 2016. Similarity in L2 Phonology: Evidence from L1 Spanish late-learners’ perception and lexical representation of English vowel contrasts. Second Language Research 32(3), 367-395. doi: 10.1177/0267658316630784. Link to full text.
Durham, K., R. Hayes-Harb, S. Barrios & C.E. Showalter. 2016. The influence of various visual input types on L2 learners’ memory for the phonological forms of newly-learned words. In J. Levis, H. Le., I. Lucic, E. Simpson, & S. Vo (Eds). Proceedings of the 7th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Dallas, TX, October 2016. Ames, IA: Iowa State University. Refereed. Link to full text.
Chow, W.Y., Lago, S., Barrios, S., Parker, D., Morini, G., & Lau, E. 2014. Additive effects of repetition and predictability during comprehension: Evidence from event-related potentials. PLoS ONE 9(6): e99199. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099199. Link to full text.